Send Invitation to all Facebook friends to like your page in one time (Once)

Facebook pages are very useful for people to connect to millions of people at once, But hard thing is getting fans/likes on page. Facebook gives you so many ways to increase your Facebook like but one is a very simplest way that is Inviting your friends to like your page. The process is very simple just we have to click on “Build Audience” then “Invite Friends…” but hard part comes here that is selecting friends. Facebook has a problem that is, you need to select friends manually one by one you’ll find that it’s so hard specically if you’ve thousands of friends. I was facing the same problem while I was inviting friends to like my page then I found a new Google Chrome extension called “Facebook InviteThemAll”. This extension is very useful in this case. It will select all your friends with a single click and you can invite them.

How to use Facebook InviteThemAll extension:

  1. Download and install Facebook InviteThemAll in your Google Chrome browser.
  2. You’ll see an icon added near the URL field.
  3. Now login to your Facebook account and open your Facebook page.
    Note : You must be admin of the page to use this feature.
  4. Click on “Build Audience” then “Invite Friends”.
    Send Page Invitation to All Friends at Once on Facebook - Invite Freinds
  5. Now a pop-up will be appeared, and you will see your friend list.
  6. Click on the Facebook InviteThemAll extension icon. You’ll see that your all friends will be selected.
    Send Page Invitation to All Friends at Once on Facebook - Select Friends
  7. Now finally click on “Submit” and you’ve sucessfully invited all your friends.

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